Our Signature Selections


Cakes & Icing

Potato Rolls & Pretzels

Sausages & Ground Meats

Deli Side Salads



- Our produce comes in fresh daily
- We offer in season local produce when possible
- We have lots of healthy fruit juices available as well as fresh cut fruit
- We partner with local farmers to buy from their fields

Meat Department
- All meats are cut fresh on site by one of our highly skilled meat cutters
- Our meats cutters will “Custom cut” anything according to your requests
- We offer in season local produce when possible
- We carry an extensive line of “Certified Angus Beef”

- Hot Foods prepared fresh Daily (Fried Chicken, Rotisserie Chickens, and assorted sides)
- Veggie trays, fruit trays, and meat and cheese platters for your family gatherings
- All soups and salads are made fresh from our kitchens
- All lunch meats are sliced “Fresh” as per the customer requests

- Cakes made from scratch in our ovens
- Donuts made fresh daily!
- Store made ice cream cake for your special occasion
- Breads, rolls, pastries are all made fresh daily